Driving Manners Can Save You Money on Your Auto Insurance Rates

방문운전연수 No driver is perfect – and they will make mistakes on a regular basis. Being a gentleman behind the wheel makes driving less stressful for everyone – and can save you money on your auto insurance rates!


Tailgating is rude, dangerous and slows everybody down. Rubbernecking is disrespectful to accident victims and a sure way to cause a traffic backup.

1. Be aware of your surroundings

When driving, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. This includes being mindful of other drivers on the road and being attentive to traffic signals. It is also important to pay attention to the road surface and weather conditions. If you notice something that may affect your driving, slow down or change lanes if necessary.

A common driving etiquette mistake is failing to use your turn signal before changing lanes or turning a corner. This can confuse other drivers and lead to accidents. Another example of bad driving etiquette is following too closely behind another car. Not only is this unsafe, but it can also cause a driver to rear-end the vehicle in front of them.

Another bad driving etiquette mistake is blocking parking lot entrances and exits. This can be very frustrating for other drivers who are trying to enter or leave a parking lot. Finally, it is always a good idea to be courteous to other drivers. If they give you the right-of-way or let you merge into their lane, be sure to thank them. This shows consideration and will encourage them to be lenient in the future.

2. Be courteous방문운전연수

A major part of being a good driver is showing consideration for other road users. You can do this by letting other drivers merge in front of you where safe to do so, signalling clearly, not honking or gesturing aggressively and adhering to the driving rules.

For example, if there’s a big puddle near the left-hand side of your car, avoid driving through it at speed. This will throw water onto the pavement and could splash pedestrians. If they’re elderly, have impaired mobility or have limited awareness of traffic, it’s best to let them cross slowly.

It’s also courteous to allow other vehicles like buses and lorries to join queues where possible as it helps to limit congestion. And if someone goes out of their way to make your journey a bit easier, don’t forget to give them a polite wave to say thanks!

3. Be patient

When you get behind the wheel, it’s important to be patient. Being patient can help you stay focused and calm while driving, which can prevent accidents. It can also help you avoid distractions like talking on the phone or listening to loud music, which could lead to a crash.

Some drivers tend to lose patience while driving. They may be late for work or an appointment, frustrated with traffic jams or be in a bad mood. This type of behavior can cause dangerous driving behaviors, such as weaving between lanes or speeding, and can lead to road rage incidents.

Being patient can also mean allowing other drivers to pass you when it’s safe. This is a simple act of courtesy that many drivers forget to do. In addition, it’s important to use your turn signals before changing lanes or making a right or left turn. Doing so lets other drivers know your intentions, which helps keep everyone safe on the road.

4. Be respectful

Whether it’s driving the kids to practice or on a business trip, most of us spend a significant portion of our day in the car. And while there are plenty of laws and rules we need to learn and follow for safety, there are also a few unwritten rules everyone should know about.

One such rule is to leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle ahead of you. Otherwise known as tailgating, this annoying driving behavior isn’t just irritating for other drivers, it can also increase your chances of an accident.

Another example of good driving etiquette is to respect funeral corteges and other groups of people who need to travel together. Rubbernecking-looking at a crash while you’re on the road-is disrespectful to the victims, slows traffic and can cause a dangerous backup.

And if another driver lets you in on a crowded highway lane or in front of them while merging, it’s polite to give them a quick courtesy wave to say thanks. It’s these small gestures that help keep the road a safer place for everyone.

5. Be considerate

Whether you’re driving with your kids in the back or it’s been 10 years since you got your license, a refresher course on good driving etiquette can make your drive safer for everyone involved.

Considerate drivers pay attention to the traffic around them, don’t speed or follow other cars too closely, and give pedestrians enough space to cross the street. They also don’t honk or use rude gestures at other motorists, even if they’re frustrated.

Drivers can be considerate by letting other vehicles merge or change lanes, not blocking the left lane on highways, and offering a friendly wave if someone lets them out of line. They also remember that everyone was a new driver once, and can be extra patient with learners and nervy drivers. Rushing people along and not letting them merge might get you to your destination a little faster, but it’s far more likely to lead to an accident or road rage incident, so be more considerate! It could also save you money on your car insurance rates.