The Benefits of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They’re mainly used for cosmetic purposes, such as whitening and fixing gaps or chips.

On the first visit, we remove a small amount of enamel (less than a 韓国歯列矯正 millimeter) and create an impression to send to a lab where your veneers will be constructed.

Natural Appearance

Veneers can look natural and beautiful if they’re crafted by an experienced cosmetic dentist. This is because the best veneers are crafted from porcelain, which closely resembles tooth enamel in color and appearance. Porcelain also resists staining much better than composite resin.

Our cosmetic dentists carefully match the shade of your teeth with the right shade of porcelain for your dental veneers. They’ll also consider the curve of your lower lip when you smile, which will help ensure that your veneers blend seamlessly with your smile.

During the initial consultation, we trim about half a millimeter from the surface of your teeth before creating a mold of your teeth to send to the lab to create your veneers. We also verify the size, shape, and color of your veneers before permanently bonding them to your teeth. We do this to make sure they fit properly and aesthetically complement your other teeth. It’s important to note that veneers are typically considered permanent, but it is possible to have them removed if you decide you no longer want them.


Depending on the type of veneer and your lifestyle, dental veneers can last up to 10 years. They are an excellent option to improve a single discoloured tooth, lighten your smile or repair a chipped tooth without the need for extensive oral surgery.

One major benefit of dental veneers is that they require little additional care beyond regular brushing and flossing to reduce plaque and bacteria buildup. Occasionally, you may need to see your dentist to remove excess cement or to check the fit and appearance of the veneers.

During the first visit, the dentist will reshape the teeth receiving veneers by shaving a very thin layer of enamel (less than the thickness of a fingernail). The dentist may also perform a teeth cleaning and etching, which roughens the surface of the tooth to help with the bonding process. A local anesthetic is often used during this step.

Ease of Maintenance

Most porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, but consuming a lot of highly coloured foods and drinks can dull their appearance over time. Your dentist may recommend you cut down on these foods and drinks to extend the life of your dental veneers.

You can also use an antiseptic mouthwash to rinse your teeth and veneers once or twice a day. Be sure to choose an alcohol-free version, as excessive exposure to alcohol can soften the bonding composite in your veneers and make them more vulnerable to staining and deterioration.

Avoid chewing on hard items like ice or pencils, as this can chip your veneers. It is also a good idea to get rid of any habits like clenching or grinding your teeth, which can wear down the surface of your veneers. You should also schedule regular cleanings and exams, every six months, to protect the health of your teeth and dental veneers. These appointments will help to spot any potential issues before they become serious problems.

Minimal Invasiveness

Many people who have damaged or crooked teeth are self-conscious of their appearance. This can affect their confidence and even make them cover their mouth when they smile. Luckily, veneers can improve the appearance of a smile with minimal invasiveness. In most cases, only a little bit of the shiny outer enamel surface will need to be removed before a veneer is bonded in place. The rest of the tooth is left untouched. A local anaesthetic may be used, but the procedure is quick and painless.

There are also “no-prep” and minimal preparation porcelain veneer options available that do not require a dentist to grind or cut down healthy tooth structure. These include Lumineers, Durathin and IPS e.max Press lithium disilicate veneers. The case presented here demonstrates a well-planned, conservative approach using Lumineers to correct the incisal edges of two central incisors. The results are a significant improvement of the patient’s overall smile esthetics without the need for additional treatment.