The Importance of Understanding Traffic Laws

Traffic laws exist to keep drivers, pedestrians, and passengers safe from accidents and injuries. They do this by creating guidelines that must be followed. Traffic violations can lead to fines, points on your license, and even higher auto insurance rates.


While the body of traffic laws varies from State to State, there is a core that all jurisdictions can agree upon. The most common aspects of this core are as follows:

Speed Limits

The speed limit is the maximum 서울운전연수 speed at which vehicles are legally allowed to travel on a particular stretch of road. Driving over the speed limit can result in traffic violations and penalties that include fines, license suspension or even jail time. Different states have their own laws regarding the speed limit, so check with your state to learn more about the specific penalties. Mitigating circumstances may be able to reduce the amount of a fine if you are caught, such as having a clean record or attending traffic school.

The majority of drivers typically operate their vehicles at reasonably safe speeds for the roadway conditions they encounter, independent of speed limits. However, the need to remind drivers of their maximum permissible speed and to reinforce this knowledge through enforcement is critical for safety.

One strategy to increase driver acceptance of speed limits is through carefully setting and enforcing credible (also known as rational) limits on homogeneous road segments. This approach, when coupled with aggressive enforcement, is associated with higher compliance and lower speed levels, which results in more uniform traffic flow, fewer rear-end collisions and reduced head-on crashes. Another way to control traffic speeds is throug 서울운전연수 h the use of speed management countermeasures. Review the FHWA’s guide to Speed Management Countermeasures to learn more about these tools.

Red Light Violations

When a traffic light turns red, drivers must stop. If they fail to do so, they may receive a ticket from law enforcement. Red light camera tickets typically are issued to the registered owner of the vehicle. Often, there is video evidence as well.

If you get a red light violation, it is important to fight the ticket. A conviction can lead to a significant fine, an increase in your insurance rates and other issues. A black mark on your driving record could also prevent you from certain types of jobs that require a clean record.

Depending on state laws, the person driving at the time of a red light violation may not be the driver to whom the ticket is mailed. In these cases, it is up to the driver to prove that they were not driving the vehicle at the time of the red light violation, and that they did not control the vehicle or have knowledge of any alleged violation.

Generally, you will have 30 days to respond to a red light violation before the law enforcement agency can begin collection efforts. If you are unable to pay the ticket within that time period, your license may be suspended. It is essential to talk with a traffic lawyer about your case. They can help you develop a strategy to fight your red light violation.

Stop Sign Violations

Many drivers are tempted to roll through stop signs in order to shave a few minutes off their commute, but it is not worth the risk. Drivers who fail to come to a full stop and yield to pedestrians or vehicles that are already in the intersection can be ticketed for violating traffic laws and putting their lives at risk. Like red light violations, a conviction for running a stop sign can carry sizable fines and points on your driver’s license.

If you receive a stop sign violation, it’s important to fight the charge with the help of a traffic attorney who knows traffic court rules and procedures. You should also make sure to gather evidence to present in court, including photos of the intersection, witness testimony and other documentation that supports your case.

A common stop sign defense involves arguing that the officer did not have a clear view of the vehicle you stopped in front of at the time of the alleged violation. Other common defenses include arguing that you did not have a chance to see the stop sign, or that the sign was obscured or knocked down and you could not see it at all. Some states prohibit police officers from enforcing stop signs on private property, so you may be able to argue that the officer lacked jurisdiction to issue the ticket in the first place.

Reckless Driving

The terms reckless driving, careless driving, and dangerous driving are all somewhat similar and some states may use these terms interchangeably. However, when a person is charged with reckless driving, it is usually a misdemeanor crime that carries serious consequences including jail time and heavy fines. In order to be convicted of reckless driving, a prosecutor needs to show that you displayed a willful disregard for the safety of others while operating your vehicle. To meet this standard, the prosecutor must prove that you were more than just negligent – not understanding the risks and oblivious to the potential consequences.

Under New York law, reckless driving is defined as “driving in a manner which indicates a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of other persons or property” (Vehicle and Traffic Law SS1212). A driver who is convicted of this violation can face up to 1 year in jail for a first offense.

The fact is that all sorts of routine traffic infractions can become a crime under this definition, and it is at the district attorney’s discretion to decide whether to charge you with this offense or not. For example, suppose you roll through a stop sign in Manhattan. If you are charged with this violation, your license can be suspended before you even appear in court to fight the ticket. This is why it is important to discuss your case with an experienced traffic ticket defense attorney as soon as possible after receiving a reckless driving violation.