Unfaithful Spouse Investigation – How an EPIS Investigator Can Help

If you suspect that your spouse or partner is cheating, a licensed private investigator can help. They can provide concrete evidence to support your suspicions, which can then be used in court if necessary.


Noticeable changes in your spouse’s behavior are often red flags for an affair. These changes could include a sudden drop in affection or intimacy, secret browsing history on their computer, and unexplained ATM and credit card activity.


Infidelity is a common problem in committed relationships, whether they are marriages or intimate partnerships. It can lead to emotional turmoil, strained trust, and even relationship dissolution. It is often triggered by feelings of dissatisfaction or desire for something new, and it often results in an affair with another person. It can be a difficult reality to deal with, but a licensed private investigator has many tools that can help you prove infidelity and get the truth.

Whether you are looking to uncover the truth as part of divorce proceedings or simply want peace of mind, our investigators will help you find the evidence you need. Our team is experienced in discreetly gathering the proof of your spouse or significant other’s infidelity so that you can take the next step forward in your life.

There are many telltale signs that can indicate infidelity, including unexplained charges on a credit card, secretive financial behavior, and a change in emotional connection. However, the most revealing sign is usually the one that is hardest to pinpoint: an increase in time away from home for unaccounted reasons.

Our specialized surveillance equipment can detect even the most subtle changes in your partner’s behavior and activities, providing you with hard proof of cheating or infidelity that cannot be denied. We can also provide surveillance services using a baby monitor that is so discrete that your spouse will not be aware of it.


Whether you need the proof for personal closure or relationship decision-making, having concrete evidence of infidelity is essential. This can be gathered in various ways, including through physical means like photographs and video footage or electronic data such as emails and text messages. Private investigators have special tools that allow them to gather this type of data more effectively than someone outside the profession. In addition, having a license to perform surveillance exempts them from being charged with stalking.

Despite these advantages, it is important to remember that infidelity investigations are an emotionally taxing process. A good private investigator will be sensitive to the needs of their clients and will take care to provide them with a comprehensive and accurate investigation. They will also make sure to communicate clearly about their pricing and how the case is progressing.

If you suspect that your spouse or domestic partner is cheating on you, do not hesitate to contact ICS. Our professional Los Angeles Infidelity Investigators can help you find the hard evidence that you need to decide your next steps. Whether that means moving forward with a divorce or trying to mend the relationship, our experts are here to guide you through the process.

While it may be difficult to confront a cheating spouse, it is better to know the truth than to continue living with deception. ICS is committed to helping you find the truth and bringing peace of mind to your life.


Whether your relationship is marriage, domestic partnership or common law, if you have suspicions that your spouse or partner is cheating, it can be a devastating blow. You may not be sure what the next steps should be, but we can help you begin to heal with hard evidence from EPIS, an experienced private investigation agency specializing in cheating spouse cases throughout Southern California.

Typical signs of infidelity include: A change in spending habits. A sudden preoccupation with appearance.


After the results of an unfaithful spouse investigation are available, it is important to use them wisely. For example, if your suspicions turn out to be true, it may be helpful to seek counseling with a professional counselor that can help you improve communication and trust in your relationship. It is also a good idea to get legal advice, especially if you are considering separation or divorce. A lawyer can provide guidance on how the evidence from the investigation will impact any legal proceedings or settlements in your case.

Cheating spouses and partners often use dating websites and social media to keep their extramarital affairs hidden from their current partner. This can make it difficult to determine if the person you suspect is cheating on you is, in fact, doing so. Fortunately, technology has helped make it easier for people to uncover cheating spouses by allowing them to monitor their spouse’s browsing history, private messages, email accounts, and online activities.

If you have suspicions that your partner is cheating on you, it’s vital to take action. A PI can provide you with concrete proof of the infidelity and offer a sense of clarity about what is happening in your relationship. In addition, a PI can provide you with tools to help you improve the quality of your relationship and prevent future infidelity.